3 inventions from the Industrial Revolution

December 21, 2017
Ana Hidalgo - Photos - Google+
Causes of the Industrial Revolution

Causes of the Industrial Revolution

From 1700 until the beginning of the First World War in 1914, a period of great social, political and economic upheaval unfolded across the globe. There are many contributing factors that made the Industrial Revolution possible.Impacts of the Industrial Revolution In this programme we focus on the agricultural revolution, the rise of the factory, the invention of the steam engine, and the role of Britain’s empire.

Key stage 3: Britain, 1745-1901

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Impacts of the Industrial Revolution

This programme provides an overview of the most significant impacts on working conditions and the environment during and after the Industrial Revolution. The time period is notorious for its dangerous factory conditions, lack of worker and child labour rights, and overcrowded, unsanitary and polluted cities. As a result, protests and new laws improved labour and environmental issues, though problems still exist today.

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The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
10 Inventions from the Industrial Revolution
10 Inventions from the Industrial Revolution
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