24JUL 2024
World War Two info

World War Two info

The so-called book cipher has always been in favor with authors of spy novels and detective stories, who usually try to mimic reality but are not ready to feed hardcore tech concepts to readers. It is quite easy to refer to the book code, as it’s the easiest encryption method comprehensible enough for the reader. As such, it does not seem to be a fictional ciphering system, like…

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20JUL 2024
Vietnam War United States

Vietnam War United States

U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive, 1968 In late January, 1968, during the lunar new year (or “Tet”) holiday, North Vietnamese and communist Viet Cong forces launched a coordinated attack against a number of targets in South Vietnam. The U.S. and South Vietnamese militaries sustained…
driveways falkirk

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16JUL 2024
World War Two Posters

World War Two Posters

Summer 2005, Vol. 37, No. 2 Getting the Message Out: The Poster Boys of World War II By Robert Ellis Through such posters as this one by the artist Holcomb, the U.S. Government urged the public to support the war effort. (44-PA-1603) The images and the messages on these government-produced posters, by…

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12JUL 2024
Definition of Louisiana Purchase

Definition of Louisiana Purchase

French and American representatives faced a vexing issue when they met in Paris in April 1803 to negotiate a treaty by which the United States would purchase the province of Louisiana from France. Since most of the territory to be exchanged had never been explored, surveyed, or mapped by any European nation or the United States, the negotiators were unable to include within the…

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08JUL 2024
Stuff about World War 2

Stuff about World War 2

SUPPLIED Keith Thiele, who died this month aged 94, was a decorated New Zealand war hero. One of New Zealand s most decorated World War 2 flying heroes has died, aged 94. Christchurch-born Keith Thiele awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and three Distinguished Flying Crosses (DFC), one of only three New Zealand aircrew to be so honoured, and was the only Kiwi flier to…

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04JUL 2024
About the World War 2

About the World War 2

What did these German soldiers believe? There is a lot in the news at the minute about the power of religious faith as a motivational factor. But we mustn’t forget that a study of Nazism teaches us that it is perfectly possible to have fanatical faith without believing in a traditional religion at all. Hitler, for example, despised Christianity, yet he felt compelled for purely…

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30JUN 2024
First Successful moon landing

First Successful moon landing

In July 2014 we are celebrating 45 years since the first lunar landing, a remarkable event that extended the limit of mankind’s abilities. With technology advancing daily, the boundaries to what humanity can do and where human beings can venture sometimes seems to be becoming limitless. Much of the technology we have today is very different to that of the 1960’s, so how was it possible…

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26JUN 2024
Manhattan Project begins

Manhattan Project begins

Laboratory for the Development of Substitute Metals The summer of 1942 proved to be troublesome for the fledgling bomb project. Col. James C. Marshall, with the Syracuse, New York Army Corps of Engineers, was picked to direct the new Laboratory for the Development of Substitute Metals (DSM). Marshall immediately moved from Syracuse to New York City where he set up the Manhattan…

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22JUN 2024
World War 2 Manhattan Project

World War 2 Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project Alamogordo: first atomic bomb test, 1945Jack Aeby/Los Alamos National LaboratoryU.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs . American scientists, many of them refugees from fascist regimes in Europe, took steps in 1939 to organize a project to exploit the newly recognized fission process for military purposes. The first contact…

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