World War One Facts for Kids

June 22, 2023
2. The role of horses

1World War I was one of those historical events that shaped destinies, altered mentalities and changed the history of many countries. Known as the First World War, The Great War or the War of the Nations, this complex conflict started in 28 July 1914 and ended in 11 November 1918. With the Allied Powers on one side and the Central Powers on the other, World War I was a balanced confrontation, not only in terms of armed forces, but also regarding ideologies and cultures.

The first is always the most memorable. This is why, the First World War or formerly “The Great War” is a war that experts hail as one of the most significant events in recent history. The war went on from 28 July 1914 up to 11 November 1918 and was between the Allies and the Central Powers of Germany, as well as Austria-Hungary. Once it was over and after an estimated body count of 9 million, the Allies won and the rest, as we all say, is history. Despite the fact that part of history or social studies is to educate children, teenagers and adults alike about the First World War, some teachers tend to leave out a few fun facts.

These interesting and fun facts are worth the read and if it piques your interest, read ahead and find out more fascinating things about an already fascinating war between the world’s greatest powers.

Such great conflict must surely bear great mysteries. Outside the known facts, there is a part of The Great War still unknown to most people. So, if you want to find out more about, this article will provide you with the most weird and interesting secrets, mysteries and enigmas. You will discover extraordinary facts about the battles, the weapons used, the strategies, the political and military leaders and their ideologies.

1. Why is it called World War I?

This four-year conflict is called World War I because while most of the battles were fought on European land, the war was extended over every ocean and almost every continent.

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