Moon Landing

First Successful moon landing

First Successful moon landing

June 30, 2024
In July 2014 we are celebrating 45 years since the first lunar… ChatBoty dla nieruchomości jak ChatBoty.

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When man first landed on the moon

When man first landed on the moon

February 26, 2024
Bill Ingalls/NASA via Getty Images Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong speaks during a celebration dinner at Ohio State University honoring former…

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United States moon landing

United States moon landing

February 14, 2024
The Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. formed the backdrop of the Apollo program, as the two superpowers jockeyed for preeminence in…

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First landing on moon video

First landing on moon video

September 19, 2023
Soviet TV lands on moon —The first spacecraft to land on the moon without demolishing itself in the process did so on Feb. 3. The Soviet Union…

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Landing of man on the moon

Landing of man on the moon

August 30, 2023
A documentary about astronaut Eugene “Gene” Cernan, has been set for theatrical, digital and video-on-demand release on February 26. Gravitas…

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Apollo moon landing faked

Apollo moon landing faked

August 22, 2023
This week, as the feat of landing on the Moon celebrates its 46th anniversary, Apollo 11 mission’s Buzz Aldrin and Professor Brian Cox have taken…

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Moon landing Missions

Moon landing Missions

June 26, 2023
Is a SF/Horror movie presented as newly-found film footage taken by the fictional crew of a lost 1970s lunar landing mission. The Apollo 18 film…

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First Apollo to landing on moon

First Apollo to landing on moon

June 18, 2023
Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin stands on the moon near the American flag during NASA s historic first manned moon landing on July 20…

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Apollo Lunar landing Sites

Apollo Lunar landing Sites

March 30, 2023
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera snapped its best look yet of the Apollo 11 landing site on the moon. The image, which was released on…

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Year man landed on the moon

Year man landed on the moon

February 6, 2023
Navy test pilot, engineer, and Korean War veteran Neil Armstrong left the Navy in 1952, but continued in the Naval Reserve. He worked as an experimental…

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Spacecraft that landed on the moon

Spacecraft that landed on the moon

July 21, 2022
“VISUALLY CONFIRMED: Enormous Craft Detected on the moon! At least one enormous object of unknown origin has been visually verified as having…

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NASA moon landing 1969

NASA moon landing 1969

May 30, 2022
Moon rocks and common sense prove Apollo astronauts really did visit the Moon. Listen to this story (requires RealPlayer) February 23, 2001…

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Date of first moon landing

Date of first moon landing

May 10, 2022
On this date, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed their moon module on a broad dark lunar lava flow, called the Sea of…

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Moon landings Timeline

Moon landings Timeline

January 2, 2022
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin stands on the lunar surface during the first moon landing in 1969. Credit: Apollo 11/NASA The moon, Earth s closest…

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Facts about landing on the moon

Facts about landing on the moon

October 13, 2021
This year is the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, the first time humans walked on the moon. The iconic imagery and audio from…

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Interesting facts about the moon landing

Interesting facts about the moon landing

July 17, 2021
Photos, Captions and Videos by Watt Tyler On the 20th July 1969 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) claimed to have landed the…

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Who landed on the Moon?

Who landed on the Moon?

May 18, 2021
15 Reasons Why Man Has Never Set Foot on The Moon 15. Tricky Dick Richard Nixon was president at the time. He was the king of cover-up, secret…

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First men to landing on the moon

First men to landing on the moon

December 25, 2020
This project is an online interactive featuring the Eagle lunar landing. The presentation includes original Apollo 11 spaceflight video footage…

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When was moon landing

When was moon landing

November 10, 2020
NASA It s now been nearly four decades since Neil Armstrong took his giant leap for mankind — if, that is, he ever set foot off this planet…

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First astronauts to landing on moon

First astronauts to landing on moon

April 18, 2020
December 5, 1961. A man at the controls of a module gazes at the lunar surface from close up. Is this an astronaut, approaching the Moon nearly…

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When was the first moon landing 1969

When was the first moon landing 1969

April 6, 2020
Lunar landing operations for the Apollo 11 crew officially began around 9:27 a.m. July 20, when lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin crawled through…

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