Industrial Revolution

Why did the Industrial Revolution Began?

Why did the Industrial Revolution Began?

May 21, 2024
“Nations exist not only as functions of a particular kind of territorial state or the aspiration to establish one … but also in the context of…

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Agriculture in the Industrial Revolution

Agriculture in the Industrial Revolution

January 17, 2024
The historian Arnold Toynbee created the idea that between 1750 and 1830, there was an Agricultural Revolution. Toynbee, and the other first…

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History of Industrial Revolution in Europe

History of Industrial Revolution in Europe

January 1, 2024
The industrial revolution in Europe didn t happen overnight but only spread over the continent very gradually. One of the triggers was the unusually…

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Industrial Revolution in the 19th century

Industrial Revolution in the 19th century

December 4, 2023
Industrial Revolution , power loomHulton Archive/Getty Imagesin modern history, the process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to…

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Education in the Industrial Revolution

Education in the Industrial Revolution

August 5, 2023
In the 1800s learning became available even to the poorest people. Schools Before the 1800s, education was not free, and poor children got what…

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Industrial Revolution Italy

Industrial Revolution Italy

June 14, 2023
A common complaint about old houses is the lack of closets. Theexplanation is simple; before the Industrial Revolution the average person owned…

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Changes during the Industrial Revolution

Changes during the Industrial Revolution

April 23, 2023
The social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution were significant The bad living conditions in the towns can be traced to lack of…

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Industries during the Industrial Revolution

Industries during the Industrial Revolution

April 3, 2023
Why did fossil fuels become so popular? Note: In the Comprehensive Energy Statistics,the statistical method for numerical values was changed…

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Immigration in the Industrial Revolution

Immigration in the Industrial Revolution

March 10, 2023
The Event: Era during which the economies of Western countries began moving away from primarily agricultural bases to industrial and commercial…

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Textile mills in the Industrial Revolution

Textile mills in the Industrial Revolution

September 15, 2022
The industrial revolution started in Great Britain in the mid-1700s. Textile production was the first great industry created. The textile industry…

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Cottage system Industrial Revolution

Cottage system Industrial Revolution

September 3, 2022
The Cottage Industry found it s roots in the Middle Ages. It is often referred to as the putting-out system. This system was most common in the…

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Assembly line Industrial Revolution

Assembly line Industrial Revolution

July 17, 2022
Author: Lewis Hackett Date: 1992 Industrialization: The First Phase Most products people in the industrialized nations use today are turned out…

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Fashion during The Industrial Revolution

Fashion during The Industrial Revolution

May 22, 2022
Photo by: Mikael Damkier The nineteenth century witnessed an amazing transformation in the political and economic life of Europeans and Americans…

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When did the Industrial Revolution end

When did the Industrial Revolution end

January 6, 2022
There are around 4, Alpine glaciers of various sizes that are currently under threat from warming temperatures. During the Little Ice Age, which…

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British Industrial Revolution Facts

British Industrial Revolution Facts

December 13, 2021
When studying the industrial revolution it can be easy to get lost in the amount of detail from the period. Alot happened in just 150 years and…

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Farming during the Industrial Revolution

Farming during the Industrial Revolution

September 15, 2021
While we have studied the trails and triumphs of industrial revolution we would be negligent if we only focused on industry. Workers need to…

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Sheffield Industrial Revolution

Sheffield Industrial Revolution

September 3, 2021
Courtesy of Bruce Adams and The Daily Mail Since the beginning of the 8th century there has been a settlement in the location of modern Sheffield…

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Industrial Revolution society

Industrial Revolution society

August 10, 2021
“Studying the metabolism of today’s societies reveals that small-scale short-term plumbing will not suffice to substantially reduce risks that…

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Factory life in the Industrial Revolution

Factory life in the Industrial Revolution

June 23, 2021
The industrial revolution and the great economic success that accompanied it had a wide variety of victims. As we have previously discussed the…

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Negative Results of the Industrial Revolution

Negative Results of the Industrial Revolution

April 8, 2021
Misery generates hate: these sufferers hated the machines which they believed took their bread from them: they hated the buildings which contained…

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Industrial Revolution Pollution Facts

Industrial Revolution Pollution Facts

March 31, 2021
Industrial pollution takes on many faces. It contaminates many sources of drinking water, releases unwanted toxins into the air and reduces the…

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