Lewis And Clark Expedition

Lewis and Clark route map

Lewis and Clark route map

May 9, 2024
Map Details: Missoula, MT - Clarkston, WA (243 miles) Product Code BC-4006 Brand Adventure Cycling Association Price $15.75 Section 6 of the…

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Significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

December 20, 2023
Sacagawea was the only female among 32 male members of the Lewis and Clark expedition. She was part of the main party from April 7, 1805 until…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition images

Lewis and Clark Expedition images

August 18, 2023
These crossbars serve to lift and manage the canoe on land. when the natives land they invariably take their canoes on shore, unless they are…

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What did Lewis and Clark discover?

What did Lewis and Clark discover?

August 1, 2023
Much of the Corps stay on the North Coast was spent securing sustenance for the winter and provisions for the trip home. By the time they reached…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition primary Sources

Lewis and Clark Expedition primary Sources

July 20, 2023
In small groups, students analyze short excerpts from primary sources and secondary information that describe an encounter between the Lewis…

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Lewis and Clark Discoveries

Lewis and Clark Discoveries

May 17, 2023
Grizzly Bear “In the evening we saw a Brown or Grisley beare on a sand beech, I went out with one man Geo Drewyer & Killed the bear…

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Lewis and Clark Facts

Lewis and Clark Facts

August 6, 2022
Meriweather Lewis and William Clark were American explorers famous for taking the first American expedition to cross what is now the western…

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Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Expedition

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Expedition

May 2, 2022
In the fall of 1806 Meriwether Lewis returned from the Voyage of Discovery to a hero’s welcome. The press and the public adorned him with adulation…

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Timeline of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Timeline of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

April 24, 2022
1803 - The Preparation The following portion of this script is based on information in Donald Jackson s Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition…

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National Geographic Lewis and Clark

National Geographic Lewis and Clark

April 16, 2022
Illustration from National Geographic s Field Guide to the Birds of North America Black-Billed Magpie Pica pica hudsonia Subspecies of Magpie…

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Lewis and Clark first Name

Lewis and Clark first Name

March 31, 2022
Names Guided by the Enlightenment axiom that human purpose and destiny was to know every corner of the universe, the habit of naming became the…

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Facts on Lewis and Clark Expedition

Facts on Lewis and Clark Expedition

March 19, 2022
As a rare book dealer, sometimes people assume that I only like older books. It’s true that a lot of my favorites come from the 19th century…

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Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

January 18, 2022
They are So Cautious that I with deficuelty got a Shute at one to day, which I must have killed but Could not get him as he Sunk Lattitude: 45°…

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Purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

December 9, 2021
The Beginning of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Jefferson s Secret Message to Congress Richard H. Hunt Center for Legislative Archives National…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806

Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806

December 5, 2021
(Click the map to see Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) route larger) Meriwether Lewis 1774-1809 and William Clark 1770-1838 The Lewis and…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition journal entries

Lewis and Clark Expedition journal entries

August 26, 2021
Kansas Journal Entries Excerpts from The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition August 30, 1803 - August 24, 1804 The following text…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition Fun Facts

Lewis and Clark Expedition Fun Facts

July 13, 2021
Fast Facts Adopted as the State flower of Montana in 1895 Bitterroot was a Montana icon long before it was voted the State flower Botanical name:…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition with Sacagawea

Lewis and Clark Expedition with Sacagawea

May 6, 2021
Born 1788 Lemhi river Valley Guide For Lewis & Clark Sacagawea Articles Explore articles from the History Net archives about Sacagawea…

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Lewis and Clark History

Lewis and Clark History

April 24, 2021
YCC student, Brittany, puts out fire during staff training. Week 8: Adieu Week 7: Summer Reflections This summer, we participated in the…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition Rocky Mountains

Lewis and Clark Expedition Rocky Mountains

February 7, 2021
Nature s silence is its one remark, and every flake of world is a chip off that old mute and immutable block. –Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone…

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Lewis and Clark Expedition for Kids

Lewis and Clark Expedition for Kids

September 26, 2020
Kids love adventure stories, so teaching about the Lewis and Clark expedition can be a lot of fun! This topic is usually part of an American…

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