About World War

Stuff about World War 2

Stuff about World War 2

July 8, 2024
SUPPLIED Keith Thiele, who died this month aged 94, was a decorated New Zealand war hero. One of New Zealand s most decorated World War 2 flying…

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About the World War 2

About the World War 2

July 4, 2024
What did these German soldiers believe? There is a lot in the news at the minute about the power of religious faith as a motivational factor…

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All about World War 2

All about World War 2

May 13, 2024
In the world of fiction, World War II is well-trod territory. Author Anthony Doerr will freely admit that. There are so many books written about…

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About World Wars

About World Wars

April 10, 2024
Much of what we think we know about the 1914-18 conflict is wrong, writes historian Dan Snow. No war in history attracts more controversy and…

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Unknown Facts about World War 2

Unknown Facts about World War 2

June 10, 2023
On June 3rd, 1942, Japanese forces invaded and occupied Attu and Kiska, two islands which were part of the state of Alaska. However, these islands…

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Facts about World War 2 for Kids

Facts about World War 2 for Kids

June 2, 2023
Britain did not fight alone, the war also involved many countries. World War II involved 61 countries with 1.7 billion people (three quarters…

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Basic Facts about World War 2

Basic Facts about World War 2

October 5, 2022
Joseph Stalin was a ruthless dictator who transformed the Soviet Union into a world superpower. Here are 10 facts that help paint a picture of…

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Greek myths about Apollo

Greek myths about Apollo

August 18, 2022
The Myths of Apollo describe him as the God of Truth, the Healer, who taught men the art of healing, God of Music, who played beautiful music…

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Interesting Facts about Independence Day

Interesting Facts about Independence Day

March 15, 2022
The Fourth of July marks our country’s birthday. On this day in 1776, the members of the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, adopting…

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Summary about World War 2

Summary about World War 2

February 23, 2022
World War II, fought in parts of Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and Africa between 1939-1945, was the most destructive war in history, claiming…

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Facts about Second World War

Facts about Second World War

February 19, 2022
Located 23 metres underground, Fan Bay Deep Shelter was constructed in the 1940s as part of Dover’s connected offensive and defensive gun batteries…

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Important Facts about World

Important Facts about World

December 17, 2021
Unfortunately, most of us know someone suffering from Alzheimer s Disease right now. In fact, just in the United States alone, there are over…

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Facts about the Independence Hall

Facts about the Independence Hall

November 27, 2021
Independence Hall is a 18th century government building where both the United States Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution…

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About the Second World War

About the Second World War

November 6, 2021
By C.G. | BERLIN THE Battle of Berlin ended on May 2nd 1945 with the surrender of General Helmuth Weidling, German commander of the Berlin Defence…

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Facts about John Wilkes Booth

Facts about John Wilkes Booth

July 15, 2020
A copy of a hand-colored 1870 lithographic print by Gibson & Co., provided by the U.S. Library of Congress, shows John Wilkes Booth shooting…

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Everything about World War 2

Everything about World War 2

June 5, 2020
A rare and famous object can open your eyes to the way the world can change. Sometimes, you see the change when you look at an inexpensive package…

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What is World War 2 About?

What is World War 2 About?

May 28, 2020
Chester spans the globe to tell the story of World War 2 and the struggle of democratic nations against fascist nations trying to supply easy…

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Five Facts about World War 2

Five Facts about World War 2

April 10, 2020
Complimenting our fact-files on Spitfire, Churchill, Hitler and Stalin, Military Times has compiled a list of frequently baffling facts about…

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Short Stories about World War II

Short Stories about World War II

November 22, 2019
1914-1918 And in the Morning by John Wilson When 16-year-old John Jay s father joins the British forces to fight in France, he is killed 10 days…

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All about World War 2 Facts

All about World War 2 Facts

November 6, 2019
World War 2 Facts – On the Home Front When consideration is given to World War 2 facts, those facts differ dramatically. With each generation…

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Facts about the World War II

Facts about the World War II

October 21, 2019
1) France had more tanks, guns and men than Germany in 1940 It is always assumed that during the Second World War the Germans bludgeoned their…

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