About World War

Things about World War 2

Things about World War 2

September 15, 2019
World War II is arguably the most tragic episode in human history. The six year war, with its European epicentre, spread to all corners of the…

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Quick Facts about Thomas Jefferson

Quick Facts about Thomas Jefferson

September 3, 2019
Thomas Jefferson is celebrating the big 2-7-2 today, and we have 10 interesting facts about the versatile Founding Father. He was born on April…

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Facts about World War II

Facts about World War II

May 18, 2019
World War II was the biggest and most destructive war in human history. It was also perhaps the best-known conflict, thanks to the tons of film…

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Facts about World War 1 and 2

Facts about World War 1 and 2

May 2, 2019
The secret tunnelers of WW1 World War One often conjures up images of a horrific bloodbath fought in the trenches of the Western Front. While…

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Questions about World War 2

Questions about World War 2

March 28, 2019
What have been the repercussions, in France, of the events beginning with the Charlie Hebdo massacre and ending – for now – with the Republican…

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Books about Apollo 11

Books about Apollo 11

February 17, 2019
Here are our selections for more good reading on the Apollo 11 mission There are dozens of titles relating to the Apollo 11 Moon mission and…

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About the Declaration of Independence

About the Declaration of Independence

June 13, 2018
The Declaration of Independence, 1776 By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13…

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Interesting Facts about Social Studies

Interesting Facts about Social Studies

April 6, 2018
Social Studies teachers often teach in isolation from the other content areas, but cross-curricular content helps students see the connection…

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