Moon Landing

Moon 1969 landing

Moon 1969 landing

February 22, 2020
Forty-five years ago, this week, 123 million of us watched Neil and Buzz step onto the moon. In 1969, we numbered about 200 million, so more…

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First Apollo moon landing

First Apollo moon landing

January 29, 2020
Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) 00.67408° N latitude, 23.47297° E longitude For the first lunar landing, Mare Tranquilitatis was the…

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Landing on moon video

Landing on moon video

August 18, 2019
No, the Apollo 11 moon landing wasn’t a hoax. And we can prove it. Rather, our game demo team already did. By using Maxwell, our new GPU architecture…

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Persons landed on moon

Persons landed on moon

May 6, 2019
Of course, from almost the point of the first Apollo missions, a small group of Americans have denied that it had taken place. This group seems…

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Last manned moon landing

Last manned moon landing

March 24, 2019
On December 11, 1972, Apollo 17 touched down on the Moon. This was not only our final Moon landing, but the last time we left low Earth orbit…

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Landing on the moon date

Landing on the moon date

January 8, 2019
Follow the ramps of the Guggenheim through the exhibition On Kawara—Silence , and you will see Kawara’s Today series—each painting displaying…

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First landed on moon

First landed on moon

December 11, 2018
The space race between the United States and the Soviet Union brought an engaging touch of science fiction to the Cold War. To American astonishment…

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Neil Armstrong for Kids moon landing

Neil Armstrong for Kids moon landing

June 5, 2018
Introduction Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut who became the first human to walk on the moon. At age 20, Armstrong served in the Korean…

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First ever moon landing

First ever moon landing

April 18, 2018
SpaceIL is one of 16 entrants in the Google (, Tech30) Lunar XPrize competition. The teams are competing to land an unmanned spacecraft on the…

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